
Confident in Your Network Security? These 7 Penetration Testing Tricks Will Surprise You

It is more important for organisations to secure their networks as they embrace digital transformation. Many businesses think they have the latest firewalls and antivirus software protecting their systems. However, in cybersecurity, what matters most is not what you have but what you might lack. With Automation and Penetration Testing Certification, businesses can enhance their defences and ensure hidden vulnerabilities are addressed. Even secure networks can have concealed weaknesses, which Network Penetration Testing can uncover before it’s too late. 

This blog will discuss seven penetration testing tricks that may make you doubt your network’s security.  

1. Exploiting Weak Password Policies 

It is one of the easiest yet most potent tricks in a penetration tester’s toolbox. The most recent encryption algorithms do not withstand human activity but can nonetheless threaten a network. Employees might reuse the same password for several accounts or choose simple passwords. 

Pen testers frequently employ brute force attacks and password-cracking strategies to obtain access to systems. Once inside, they can navigate the network laterally to get important information.  

2. Bypassing Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems [IDS] 

While IDS and firewalls are meant to block harmful communications, penetration testers are skilled at getting past these obstacles. Testers may avoid detection without setting off alarms by employing port scanning, Internet Protocol or IP spoofing, or encrypting malicious communication. 

More experienced testers might employ methods like fragmentation, which divides malware into smaller packets that are invisible to detection systems. This technique reveals how simple it would be for an attacker to bypass perimeter security and expose your network. 

3. Taking Advantage of Outdated Software 

One of the most frequent weaknesses that attackers and penetration testers exploit is outdated software. Many businesses keep their software open to known exploits by not patching it regularly. Testers can exploit pre-existing exploits to take over the network using these antiquated technologies, which makes them a treasure trove. 

Maintaining your network’s security requires regular patching and updates; otherwise, penetration testers and actual attackers will discover the holes. 

4. Social Engineering Strategies 

Any network security measures that one may have put in place always have a black sheep, or so they call it, employees. Social engineering is an often-used technique in which penetration testers make people allow them to access restricted data. This can be as basic as what is seen in phishing scams, wherein a team member is emailed a seemingly legitimate message that contains a link or asks for a username and password. 

Testers use social engineering techniques to assess how easily employees can be duped. If your team members fall for these methods, it indicates a severe weakness in your human defences that needs to be fixed via awareness and training campaigns. 

5. SQL Injection Attacks 

SQL, or Structured Query Language injection, is one of the most often exploited vulnerabilities by testers in online applications. Many companies use online interfaces to connect databases, but testers can inject malicious SQL instructions to change or extract critical data if these systems are not adequately secured. 

Ethical hackers will look for vulnerable input fields where SQL injections can be used during a penetration test. If they are successful, it is evident that your online applications require hardening; otherwise, attackers may attempt the same with even more destructive intents. 

6. Privilege Escalation 

The mere fact that penetration testers can access your network to a limited extent does not imply that it is safe. Testers can use low-level access to take administrative control of systems using privilege escalation techniques. They could also take advantage of holes in access control systems or user roles to get more permissions and penetrate further into the network. 

A successful privilege escalation exposes your access controls’ weaknesses and jeopardises sensitive information and vital systems. 

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7. Misconfigured Cloud Services 

Due to enterprises’ widespread use of cloud-based solutions, attackers and penetration testers increasingly target misconfigured cloud services. Because cloud systems can be complicated, especially in hybrid or multi-cloud setups, it is easy for the Information technology or IT team to forget security settings. 

Pen testers frequently search for incorrect identity and access management settings, unsecured APIs, and improperly configured cloud storage. It suggests that attackers may do the same if they take advantage of these cloud flaws, which could result in a significant data breach. 


Penetration testing is essential for uncovering hidden weaknesses in your network before hackers strike. It fortifies your defences and prepares you for evolving cyber threats by simulating actual attacks. Regular testing combined with robust security measures is key to safeguarding your business. You can also consider free resources from The Knowledge Academy to enhance your cybersecurity efforts. 

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