How Can We Protect Our Data from Quantum Attacks?

In this modern era of IT, data protection has become more important than ever. With the rise of quantum computing, new threats are emerging that can affect our current encryption methods. A key solution to address these quantum risks is post quantum cryptography. In this article, we will understand what is post-quantum cryptography and how it helps to protect our data, and the role of post quantum cryptography algorithms that secure digital communications.
What Is PQC?
PQC stands For Post Quantum Cryptography. These are encryption methods designed to protect data from attacks by quantum computers. The aim of this quantum-resistant cryptography is to develop encryption methods that will remain secure even when quantum computing becomes usual.
PQC focuses on creating algorithms that are resistant to quantum attacks. Traditional cryptography relies on the difficulty of computing large numbers or solving specific problems, while post quantum cryptography algorithms use mathematical problems that are considered safe in the face of the power of quantum computers.
What is Quantum Computing? And Why Is It A Threat?
A quantum computer is a new type of computer that can perform calculations much faster than conventional computers. While they have the potential to change many fields, they also represent a major threat to our existing cybersecurity systems.
Quantum computers can break the encryption methods that protect our sensitive data, such as bank transactions, medical records, and government secrets. This is because quantum computers can factor large numbers much faster than classical computers using algorithms such as Shure’s algorithm, effectively breaking encryption that relies on the difficulty of factoring large numbers.
How Does Post-Quantum Cryptography Work?
PQC works by using cryptographic algorithms based on mathematical problems that are difficult for quantum computers to solve. Unlike traditional cryptography, which is affected by quantum algorithms like Shor’s algorithm, Post Quantum Cryptography relies on problems like lattice-based cryptography, hash-based signatures, and code-based cryptography.
Types of PQC?
Lattice-Based Cryptography:
This cryptography uses mathematical structures called lattices. With their help, encryption methods are developed that are resistant to quantum attacks. These methods are considered the best opportunities for post-quantum systems.
Code-Based Cryptography:
Code-based algorithms rely on error-correcting codes to protect data. These methods are considered highly secure against quantum attacks and their use in PQC is being researched.
Multivariate Polynomial Cryptography:
This method uses the difficulty of solving multivariate polynomial systems. This provides another effective way to ensure quantum-secure encryption.
Hash-Based Cryptography:
Hash-based algorithms use hash functions to create secure signatures. This is another way to store data in the world of quantum computing.
Why do we need PQC?
We need post quantum cryptography because quantum computers are becoming powerful enough to break current encryption methods. This puts important data, like bank accounts and personal information, at risk. It provides stronger security to protect against these threats.
What Is The Difference Between Cryptography And Post-Quantum Cryptography?
Cryptography secures data using methods like RSA and ECC, which are safe from regular computers but vulnerable to quantum computers. Post-quantum cryptography uses new techniques designed to resist attacks from quantum computers, ensuring stronger future security.